Fall in Love

Falling in Love

These days with so much political chaos and uncertainties domestically and internationally, I am finding it harder than usual to get into the spirit of this Hallmark-created Valentine’s Day. As my partner Desha can probably attest, I’m not much of once-a-year-buy-Hallmark-card fella. I’m more of a believer in the year round daily acts of loving people in deeds rather than words (or Hallmark produced cards). I guess my 10 years as a Jesuit scholastic did not train me well for Valentine’s Day. I was too busy living and loving all of God’s people in community with the worldwide brotherhood of Catholic priests, seminarians, and brothers known as the Jesuits.

On this Valentine’s Day I want to share this poem, “Fall in Love” that had always been a part of my love reminders for those 10 amazing and spirit-filled years as a Jesuit. The poem has often been attributed to Fr. Pedro Arrupe, SJ, the Superior General of the Jesuits whose humble leadership had influenced much of my Jesuit formation years. Hopefully it provides some additional reminders about why love matters in all we do especially these days.

Fall in Love

Nothing is more practical than
finding God, than
falling in Love
in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in Love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything.

From Finding God in All Things: A Marquette Prayer Book © 2009 Marquette University.



About Vid Raatior

Dr. Vid Raatior is a proud Chuukese Micronesian international educator, consultant, and social entrepreneur who lives in Northern California.